I posted this on Facebook after someone on my friends list posted a page calling for a boycott of the NFL. The sponsor of the page was a racist organization. I support the players protest as I know their cause is just, it is for Social Justice.For those of you who want to boycott the NFL because the players protest social injustice, feel free. Most, near 90 percent, of those who want to boycott the NFL are white , openly racist, or closet racist, who believe everything a lying sack of crap says, a man who thinks Nazis and KKK are fine people. You know what? You can still be upset about the players not standing for the National Anthem and watch football, but you want to hurt the players because they are black so how dare they stand up for social justice. All you guys want is your Guns, God, and a flag yo insult every damn day when you fly the Confederate Flag. How messed up is it that you people who are upset about black people protesting social injustice get so upset when someone comments about you flying a flag of a vanquished foe, a symbol of racism of a culture that fought to keep slavery? You are freaking hypocrites each and everyone of you. What is really stupid is that you try to justify flying the flag of an enemy of the United States by saying it is your first amendment right. I guess Charlottesville was something you applaud? Because that is what the Nazis and KKK guys said they were doing. I guess you think the young lady who died marching against racism "got what she deserved?" Yeah, in your hearts you are saying that. You want the players to keep their mouths shut like your ancestors did and just do their job. Not the same thing you say because they get paid? Bull, you want them to behave and perform for your entertainment because you don't see them as human, you believe that all black people are good for one thing, physical activity and are intellectually inferior to white people. Well let me tell you something. I have met many a black person who were way more intelligent than me and my intelligence puts most of you on my friends list to shame so what does that tell you. Now this is not addressed to all my friends, just to some of you who post some racist centered bull crap about NFL players protesting and posting defense of the Confederate Flag and statues. You're freaking hypocrites. I have served this country. I have served under the flag of this country and respect it but I figured out something long ago. You don't fight for the flag, you fight for the country and what makes up the country, the people, the constitution. I have been in places you cannot imagine and slept next to the most destructive weapon known to man, all so you can be free to enjoy that freedom as set forth by the constitution. One of those rights is the right to protest. You complain if black people protest no matter how they protest, marching or kneeling during the Anthem. Guess what? I served for them to do that, people have died so they can do that. You say they are disrespecting the flag when they don't stand for the National Anthem. The National Anthem did not come about until the 20th Century, 140 years after the Declaration of the founding of this country and about 110 years after the poem "The Defense of Fort McHenry" was written by Francis Scott Key. Most of you could not find Fort McHenry on a map yet alone say why it was so important.
Our founding fathers would side with the players and be ashamed of all of you that want them silenced. Heck, they would probably tell you to take certain things you find patriotic and tell you to stick them with where the son doesn't shine. Your allegiance is to a song? To a flag? Or to the country? Hell most of you haven't served your country but try to ride on the backs of your ancestors who did using their sacrifice to justify you as being patriotic. BS. What makes you patriotic is loving your country, your fellow citizens, and respecting the constitution and the rights guaranteed to all whether you like it or not.
So If you want to boycott the NFL snowflake go ahead, go to your safe spot so the big bad people protesting for social justice cannot hurt your feelings. Isn't that along the lines of what you tell Democrats if they get upset? Funny, the babies with the thinnest skin seem to be Trump supporters. Just like your leader, can't take anyone other than a white person in charge or speaking freely, think a gun makes you big and bad, throws a fit if you can't get your way, and just immature as hell.
Why did I post this? Because I say someone on my friends list post a racist boycott the NFL page. Right now I just block the site. If I keep seeing posts I know are from racist websites Then I will probably block you. How do I know they are racist backed? I research them because I don't trust everything on Facebook or the internet. Guess how many of those websites are sponsored by racist organizations or Russian interests meant to divide America? A lot.