We know for a fact that Russia did interfere in the 2016 election and they worked to benefit Donald Trump and damage Secretary Clinton. Even as I write this there is an investigation into how much if any involvement the Trump Campaign had in Russia’s operation. I will not get into the FBI investigation (I think Trump and his collection of racist misfit toys are guilty as hell), I will instead look into how Russia was so successful in doing so.
As the title say, “Russia psychoanalyzed the USA.” This operation took more than just hacking to accomplish, it required knowing who to target with leaked information and disinformation along with finding a stooge to use. We all know the stooge Russia backed, the big orange balding liar know as Donald Trump. They knew he is an egomaniac, had the exposure from “The Apprentice”, was considered a successful businessman because of his cultivated image ( which differs from reality “, and his appeal to certain groups. They knew he was a salesman. Trump is a used car salesman playing at big business, he is a con.
But who should Russia target with their version of political warfare and “not so lethal bug ignorant weapon” Donald Trump? Well here is where you need to look at what Russia wanted to accomplish, and what they want is a weak divided America and not the strong “Make America Great Again” Trump sold his supporters. So guess who Russia targeted, had Trump target with his divisive message, his key supporters. They people who hate Muslims and fall for news (fake) saying Sharia law was being instituted in certain cities in America with large Muslim populations even though the constitution does not allow for the implementation of “any” religious laws. They targeted the same people saying “Obama” is a Muslim even though he is a Christian. They targeted the overtly racists and the closeted ones who did not like having a black man as president. They stoked the birther conspiracy ( and if Trump is impeached you can expect more fake birth certificates and other stuff from Russia to cause chaos.) They targeted Gun rights groups with fake news about taking away guns. They targeted sovereign citizens. They targeted hate groups, you name it they targeted extreme right leaning groups to the extreme. They even targeted law enforcement and military groups. Why? I will get to those two groups later.
And liberals do not think you were not targeted, because you were. The DNC leaks were targeted to Berniecrats.
How did they know to target these groups? Because they have been studying America for ages and with the advent of the internet it made it easier for Russian political scientists to look into the deep dark recesses of the American psyche. They monitored forums, Facebook pages, and other social media to gain an understanding of America’s dark underbelly, because everyone knows the underbelly is the weakness easiest to exploit. After a while it went from monitoring to interacting with these groups and being on the internet no one would know they weren't American but Russia, the anonymity of the internet became the mask of the Russian bear. Soon these online Russian operatives were feeding the Americans they were conning information calculated to cause the most damage politically and to stir passions. Even before Trump started calling real news fake, the Russians had already sowed the seed and it grew so the right leaning groups were calling everything positive from the Obama Administration fake news and fake news damaging to democrats as real.(. Pizzagate is an example and even though disproved, far right types still believe it). Obamacare was labeled socialism and the democrats were said to be socialists trying to destroy America. For the extreme right, democrats became an enemy to America.
On September 11, 2001 America was victim to the worst terrorist attack in history, the twin towers came down killing 2,977 innocent people and injuring thousands more. It was an act of what Trump calls “ Radical Islam” and that attack is embedded into our collective memory for all time. Most of us know it was not an attack that represents all Muslims but those who have a distorted view of Islam. But there are those in America that believe all Muslims are evil and celebrated the attack. Since that time we have taken part in military actions in countries know to support terrorism and our military faced “ Islamic extremists” who killed our troops. Russia saw this and in forums and other places they used this to stoke the anti-Muslim crowd. Why? Because it divides Americans.
Recently we had numerous cases of black men and women being killed by police officers which further divided America between those who wanted it to stop and those who say black lives matter was anti law enforcement. I am not here to debate that but to say that issue was used to stoke fires. Yes, law enforcement you too were targeted by Russian psychological political warfare machine. On your forums you probably heard an increase of how black lives matter wants to kill cops, black men or more dangerous, and read other forum members discussing their experiences or another's of how black men are stronger and more violent, Super predators. The thing is you do not know if these were actual law enforcement officers or someone playing as law enforcement to stoke the fire. Yes, Russia did plant people into your circle and you may have noticed those same people stopped posting after the election. Why? Because their job was done and they weren't getting paid anymore. No, Russia just wanted to use your concern for fellow officers to help divide and conquer. ( Russia was not counting on a Trump win as much as it was civil unrest (the armed type, not just protests))
And for Black Lives matter, you were targeted to by people posing as black who tried to stoke the fire anyway they could hoping that it would cause race riots. We all were being played from the outside by the Russian Political Science and psychological war machine.
Remember fake news that said black lives matter was blocking hospitals? Guess who generated that? Someone trying to start a race war. Who would benefit from that? Russia.
I could go on and write a book on this if I had the time, maybe someone will look into this and do so in the future. I hope so, so it will prevent a repeat of this. I know I did not cite sources, this is a blog about my own analysis of what I have read over the last year and what I observed.
The key to my analysis is a book written by, Aleksandr Dugin, a Russian political scientist who acts as an adviser to Putin and the Kremlin. The book is called, “Foundations of Geopolitics.” The book lays out a game plan for every region of the world and how Russia can expand its power while weakening those countries that stand in its way, like America. Russia would not do anything to strengthen America because it knows a strong America would hamper its expansion an keep sanctions in place. No, Russia wants to weaken America economically and politically so it has no leverage over other countries to impose sanctions on Russia. It wants NATO destroyed that is why they are working to split Turkey from American influence.
Russia lucked out when Trump won. They expected they would divide America enough to cause civil Unrest and force the US off the world stage while it got it own house in order. What happened? Their political / psychological war machine was a little more successful than they expected, just enough to give Trump the electoral college vote. This may have set back Russian expansion timetable, because if they acted too soon it would have show their card, plus they have not finished using their poliPsych warfare machine to weaken Europe enough. And Russia is using the Syrian war because the influx of refugees puts extra political pressure on the leaders of Europe and they are using that to their advantage. Now let's cut to it.
Why target so many groups when they are the minority? ( yes, Trump supporters you are the minority) Because Russia was not trying to elect Trump as much as they were trying to start something close to a civil war in America. The Russian intelligence knows that there are groups in the United States who threaten to take up arms if things don't go their way so they try and stoke the fire to make it boil over. By doing what they did they have put a crack in America, let's keep them from widening it. As the Russian-Trump picture becomes clearer expect more exaggerated and divisive claims from Donald Trump and his cabinet. (Remember, Bannon would love nothing more than destroy the America the constitution guarantees) expect information leaked from Russia that will try to show President Obama was unAmerican or anything that makes Democrats look bad. We are fighting a new war, a cyber political psychological war CyPolPsych warfare or PoliPsych warfare.
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