I understand many people follow Louise Mensch of Twitter and read her blog because she has pushed information on the Trump Russia conspiracy. I understand people are looking for information that will show Donald Trump is about to be brought down for working with Russia. People want hope.
The thing is that Mensch is not doing what she is doing for anyone's benefit but for her own or whoever she works for now. Mensch latest claim in a tweet reply to Michael Flynn Jr. Accuses member of the military of hacking for Russia. According to Mensch, General Flynn assigned Russian hackers to DARPA. There is a problem or two with Mensch's accusation that I want to address here.
The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) is part of the Department of Defense but it is not military. DARPA is headed by a civilian. The job of DARPA is to develop new technologies to aid the military. When DARPA was founded years ago as ARPA one of its first projects was to develop a system of communication between military and research entities like colleges for sharing of information, the result was ARPANET. ARPANET would eventually become the Internet. Since its beginning DARPA has developed or aided in the development of other technologies used by the military. DARPA is technologies development and not an intelligence agency, although they do provide new technologies for intelligence gathering at times.
General Flynn was an intelligence guy while in the military rising to the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency before President Obama fired him. The Defense Intelligence Agency is exactly what its name suggests, an intelligence gathering Agency. While the DIA is part of the DOD like DARPA they are separate agencies. The military has a chain of command structure that is strictly adhered to at all times. People in charge of one command or Agency are in charge of the personnel under them. If a head of one agency wants something from another agency they have to go through the chain of command to do so, meaning they would need to communicate through the person or Agency in charge of both agencies involved. So Flynn could not just place anyone at DARPA he wanted because it is a separate agency and he would have to go through his higher ups to do so. Somehow I don't see the head of the Joint Chiefs or the Secretary just saying, "Hey DARPA, Flynn wants you to give these guys positions in your organization." And as for his brief time as National Security Advisor? Yeah, that would be way out of line because he would have to go through the Secretary of defense.
So why is making such wild accusations that threaten to undermine the credibility of the US military? We can only guess. She may have thrown out DARPA because it developed the internet and she maybe under the belief that DARPA handles all military internet operations and is an intelligence agency. She could be doing what others claim she told Milo she would do, and sow chaos in liberal media by spreading fake news. She could be doing it for financial gain or fame. But for whatever reason she is doing what she is doing it is undermining the integrity of news agencies and now the military. As a veteran, I do not take kindly to people accusing our military personnel or civilians working for the military of being spies, hackers for Russia. To me that is an attack on an institution that is most American though others disagree.
If Mrs. Mensch is in possession of information that proves there are Russian hackers within the US military it is a matter of national security that should be brought to the attention of the FBI and DOD. Why hasn't she done so? Probably because it is untrue. Keep in mind Mensch was pro Brexit in her country and a right wing nationalist which is equivalent to the MAGA movement her inthe the US. Mensch worked for News Corp owned by Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News. So why would she suddenly change? Now add this with her affiliation with Milo Yiannopolous and you will have part of the picture. Louise Mensch is not trying to help America in the search for truth in regard to the Trump Russia scandal, she is trying to muddy the waters. The one thing she was correct on, she has been wrong most of the time, was most likely given her to establish credibility to gain followers. If you want to catch fish you need good bait and not an empty hook. Now that Mensch has hooked a few she will slowly reel them in and before they know it, it will be too late. Mensch can walk away and head back to the U.K after she's done, the people she conned will be left here to deal with the turmoil she leaves behind.
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