First, I want to apologize if people who call themselves Christian have given you a negative view of being a Christian. They are wrong and by supporting Trump they have driven a wedge between those people who may have turned to Christ and Christ.
I am a Christian and I base my actions on the teachings of Jesus the Christ, but I am not perfect and freely admit I am a sinner. I don't condemn people for that is the way of Christ. If you look at the Gospels you will see that Jesus went to the sinners who needed him. He treated them with respect as he taught them. He turned no one away. As for the Jewish leaders and teachers of the day he found that they were not teaching redemption and forgiveness but condemnation unless you maintained a strict adherence to the law and in doing so they strayed from what God truly wants, to save the ones he created from evil. People of the time became overly concerned with laws that they believed kept them in God's favor that they forgot their fellow man. How can one be expected to respect the Lord if they cannot respect those here on earth. Every little thing that was a possible violation of the law was held against the people. Jesus taught that the most important thing was to love each other. This is not to say he condoned sin, no he condemned the sin and not the sinner, for the sinner he offered forgiveness.
It seems that we have people calling themselves Christian who think you condemn people and at no time grant them the opportunity for salvation. These so called Christian's wish death on those they see as sinners which is 180 out from what Christ taught. Christ healed sinners, he didn't say "Oh you sinned and I hate you so you will suffer death now." No, he called everyone to him so they could be saved.
Now these same people who want sinners to die without the slightest chance of salvation decided to throw there support of someone who is the complete opposite of Christ. A man that condemns anyone who doesn't agree with him, a man you steals, a man who lies, a man who thinks he doesn't need to ask forgiveness. After all Donald Trump has done they still bow to him like he is a new Golden Calf. Why? Because these so called Christians have lost their way in the wilderness because they forgot "Christ's teachings " and made Trump the way back when he will, in fact, lead them further astray where they will damn themselves.
What is happening to people looking at Christians here in America? They aren't seeing the beauty of salvation but the ugliness of hate. They see people using the Bible to justify their hate for others. This is not Christian, it is just wrong.
I will give you advice if you are considering turning to Christ. First, don't think Jesus is condemning you at all, he is here to save. Second, read the Gospels before you read anything else from the Bible, and when you are done, read the Gospels again and again. Note Christ's words, the feeling and the overall concept of forgiveness and how to treat others. Pay attention to when Jesus answers the questions of the religious leaders of the time and how he corrects them. Why? Because many religious leaders of today are now acting the same as those back then. Christ's teachings, his words are the most valuable part of the Bible and they will help you when you read other parts of the Bible. You see, man put together the Bible, but Christ's words and teachings are pure. If you look at Christ's words you can actually go back and read the Old Testament and see the things he is correcting. Yes, man did try and sneak there own wishes and desires into the Bible with laws that even the religious leaders of Christ's time on earth and now could not stick to.
I recommend starting with the Gospel of John because one verse in particular describes Christ's purpose. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" if you read the next verse you will see why I say that Christians who condemn others in Christ's name are wrong. John 3:17 "Christ came into the world not to condemn the world but the world through him would be save" I paraphrased a bit but it reflects the meaning correctly.
And if you want to call me a religious nut job that doesn't believe in science you are wrong. God had to create things somehow so why not through the "Big Bang" and man through evolution. It is sad that some Christians don't understand that science and religion aren't mutually exclusive. They do not understand that we did not evolve from monkeys and apes but share a common ancestor.
Anyway, by backing Donald Trump and condemning everyone for anything these so called Christians, these evangelicals are not doing Christ's work but the opposite.
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