I read a few things on Twitter today that leads me to believe some people "In the Know" are not so much "in the know" of how the constitution works which quickly torpedoes their credibility. Here is an example. This is a link to Louise Mensch blog. Please read the come back here.
Since you are reading this sentence, I assume you followed the link, read the blog, and your back here. Or maybe you said "screw it." Anyway let's look at two things. Impeachment of the President and the Supreme Court of the United States. After that we will examine Louise Mensch ( @LouiseMensch ) and Claude Taylor ( @TrueFactsStated )
While writing the Constitution our founding fathers decided to put a safeguard in place just incase and elected or other government official turned out to be a rotten egg; that thing we know as impeachment. In their great Wisdom founding fathers entrusted the power of impeachment to The legislative branch because this is the branch that is more of a representation of the population and the States as an entity.
The Impeachment process starts in the House of Representatives which draws ups articles of impeachment. A simple majority is all that is needed for impeachment. These articles of impeachment are essentially an indictment, charges.
The Articles of Impeachment are sent to the senate which then conducts a trial to determine if the person being impeached is guilty of what they are accused of in the Aricles of Impeachment. If found guilty they person is normally removed from office. In the case of the President being impeached, The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial. It should be noted that impeachment is not a criminal trial. A person can still be tried in criminal proceedings after they have been impeached for the crimes that led to impeachment.
The Supreme Court does not initiate the impeachment process as it is not a power assigned to it by the constitution. Also the Supreme Court is not legal counsel for the president because it is a separate branch of the government. The Marshal of the Supreme Court is essentially a bailiff in charge of security and policing of the Supreme Court facilities. To say that the Marshal of the Supreme Court discussed anything with the President about impeachment and pardoning of people linked to the Trump-Russia investigation is problematic at best. First, SCOTUS would be committing overreach of hits authority by stepping on the "Constitutional toes of Congress." Second, notification of Impeachment Proceedings would be done by Congress who have no need for SCOTUS to do this. Third, the President has legal counsel to advise him on laws and procedures. Since the SCOTUS has to decide cases brought against the government, including the president, for them to act as legal counsel in anyway would be considered a conflict of interest.
This is not the first time that I and others have noticed things that Louise Mensch reports in her blog that don't fit into SOP. I do not understand why Mensch and Claude Taylor continue to report things that cannot be true and are contrary to how government functions. It has been said they are the left wing counterparts to the right wing fake news during the election. Are they? I don't know. I know Louise Mensch was a Member of Parliament in the U.K. and has knowledge of her countries government's proceedings but she does seem to know America's. She has worked for publications in the U.K. owned by News Corp. News Corp is owned by Rupert Murdoch who own Fox News which is knowned for pushing right wing conspiracy theories. Could Mensch still be on the Murdoch payroll? I cannot say. Considering her background I would be highly suspect of things Mensch reports as fact.
Claude Taylor is a photographer, at least his Twitter bio says so. He claims to be a veteran of 3 presidential campaigns and the Bill Clinton White House. From information gathered on the internet this seems true though it appears his role at the White House was as a minor functionary. What I don't understand is how Taylor would confuse the powers of two different branches of government considering he worked in the White House. It is possible he maintains some D.C. Connections but I doubt they are significant enough to garner such "inside information."
So why this claim about impeachment proceedings starting and the Marshal of the Supreme Court story that is flawed in its nature? Attention? Possibly. Spread fake news? Possible again. We know Russia targeted both right and left during the election with fake news. But why fake news now? To muddy the waters by having a major news outlet pick up these claims only to have them proven false later. Such an maneuver would cast further doubt on liberal media. Want to find out if Mensch is purposely spreading "fake news" you need to find out if she is still being paid by News Corp or someone connected to Rupert Murdoch.
All I can say that spreading such news undermines the press, the free press.
By the way. I am a disabled veteran of 11 years service on Submarines in the US Navy. I have no secret connections with information on the Trump - Russia case. I am a trained troubleshooter of Electronic Systems that applies that skill to other aspects of my life. I recognize patterns and speculate. I weed out the far fetched and illogical. I form hypotheses on matter and test them by what history reveals. Do I generate conspiracy theories? Not really, I do the "what if" thing and connect the dots that stack up in a logical order. I offer things to consider, nothing more. What do I think of Trump-Russia? It is not fake news. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence for probable cause. I believe the final picture maybe more disturbing than people think right now. Right now we are seeing the tip of the iceberg and there is a heck of a lot more beneath the surface.
Please forgive spelling errors and typos as I am writing this at 1:30 AM.
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