This weekend will see violence in many cities across the country because the Alt-Right (white supremacists) have taken Donald Trump's press conference today as validation. People following Alt-Right websites and their social networks have turned up startling evidence about what is planned and how they want to provoke, Frame, or harass counter protestors.
Florida, specifically Gainesville, White Supremacist have planned a rally and will be armed. Communication threads show conversations between numerous people who plan on attending talking about Florida being a "Stand your ground" state and if they receive the slightest provocation or can get a counter protestor to say, "I'll kill you" they will shoot that person. They want to start a civil war in America and they are prepared to do it. They want to take control of the government or have Trump declare martial law to get rid of anyone not supporting them. Think because your white you are safe? Wrong. No one is safe from their discrimination and hate.
White Supremacists want "pure European blood" if your ancestry isn't pure, you will be a target for them.
White Supremacists are into eugenics, meaning they don't like people with disabilities or birth defects. Like the German Nazis they believe in forced sterilization and abortions for those they consider inferior.
White Supremacists discriminate against white people if they do not adhere to their political or religious views. They don't like Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, any sect of Christianity that doesn't adhere to their doctrine.
White Supremacists hate gay people and think they are more than just immoral but a failure in genetics. If you have a family member who is gay, they will consider you have faulty genes and could produce gay children.
Not every person of European descent is considered Arryan so they are inferior mongrels. Polish people are and example and a few other Eastern European countries.
White Supremacists hate native Americans and those with Native American ancestry.
White Supremacists hate people of Hispanic descent.
White Supremacists hate Asians, Africans, anyone.
White Supremacists do not believe in peaceful resolution of issues despite the fact that individually they are cowards, in groups they are brave and dangerous, much like animals.
White Supremacists fund much of their activities through drugs, like meth which is their drug of choice to deal in.
A good number of White Supremacists have done time in prison and cannot legally own a gun. Some pass instructions on on how to get around gun sale laws by making their own guns. I am not talking about crude zip guns, but AR-15s, AR-9s (an AR-15 chambered in 9mm), reassembling demilled foreign military guns, 1991s, and even guns used in WWII such as the grease gun (submachine gun chambered for .45ACP) and the British Sten Gun. These are called ghost guns. They can make any of these guns by either milling a receiver from scratch or ordering what is called an 80% receiver which is a receiver completed up to 80 percent so it can be sold without a license or background check. FYI for those that don't know, the receiver (lower receiver in the case of AR-15s) is the part of a gun that is regulated by the fire arms act because it is where the serial number is located. You can buy the rest of the parts without a background check, yes, barrel, fire control group, everything but the receiver in a completed form. (Or greater than 80 percent completed.)
Now, who do you think is more dangerous to law enforcement, counter protestors or white supremacists? Who is more dangerous to you? If you think white Supremacists aren't the real danger to this country , you will change your mind after this weekend if things happen the way these White Supremacists plan.
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