I want the reader to understand that I am a Christian and will not deny that. I can't condemn anyone, I can only condemn myself if I condemn another.
Those that call the Trump-Russia investigation are those same people that believe Trump is the person that will bring the country back to God. Trump has done nothing that reflects Christ. Trump has conned and misled many Christians, and he has done so in a heinous way, by praying on fears, by using a devil tongues to sweet talk people desperate for a sign, and yet the fruits that he has produced are opposite of what Christ would want, against his teachings. God desires mercy but Trump condemnation of those he does not like, he even wanted 5 innocent men to die. God said love thy neighbor but Trump wants Americans to hate their neighbors. Trump even tries to pass the fruit of hate, that of hate groups, as good. The Lord spoke of the women who gave from "her poverty" and that she would be remembered. Trump will not even give from his riches, he uses other people's money and claims credit, he will be remembered as a thief who takes from the infirm, the old, the widow, and the orphan.
Christ spoke about how the teachers of the law in his day and how things will be for them at judgement because despite knowing better they still kept doing what is wrong and spread a teaching that was wrong.
Christ spoke about how he was not bringing peace to the world but a sword, division instead of unity. This teaching is often used wrongly by atheists to say Christianity is violent. It is also used wrongly by those that call themselves Christians to justify attacks on non-believers. The sword Christ meant was the "Word" that would bring a reckoning to the teachers of the law, a message of forgiveness, of mercy, that was different from the teachings of condemnation, of slavery to rules of man who used them to hold power over the people. Those that accepted the teachings of Christ, the Son of Man, The Son of God, were a threat to those who wanted to hold onto the yoke that they, in truth, could not bear themselves.
Much is the same today, except now we have those that see Christ's teachings as forgiveness, of mercy, and the way. We also have those who try to use the Bible to condemn, to justify deaths, to rob those that sin, and we all have, the chance at the Lord's forgiveness and mercy. A sinner can repent, a dead man cannot, then why would we wish death or pray for the death of sinners, if by their dying they are denied the chance at forgiveness, even at the last moment like the thief on the cross.
I am a sinner, I can judge no one. We all are sinners and can judge no one. We can judge what is sinful and what is not, but we cannot condemn that person, only the sin. We can pray for the sinner, and we can lead by example spreading the gospel to those in need of the word, but we cannot, and should not condemn them. If we condemn a person who later repents how will that reflect on us when time for our judgment comes.
To me Trump is the opposite of Christ and unless he changes, and those that follow him blindly believing he will lead them to god, them will condemn themselves for all those they themselves condemned.
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