"It's part of our heritage and we have to fight to preserve it," this is an argument that the Alt-right likes to make in their argument to keep Statues of confederate leaders. What a crock of crap! It is totally bogus. I will tell you why here in a bit but I have to ask this. Why the hell would anyone want to honor traitors, racists, and losers of a war that cost the lives of more Americans than any other war? It's stupid.
Ok, to the Alt- right the only heritage that matter is "white heritage" actually "white Anglo Saxon Christian heritage." If you are a minority and want to celebrate your cultural heritage of your ancestors you are guaranteed to get this from the Alt-Right, " You are in America now! Get with the program or get out!" If you are of any religion other than Christian in America the Alt-right response is this, "This country was founded by Christians for Christians!" Apparently the Alt-right failed history and has no clue about the first amendment, which is easy to believe since they misinterpreted the Second Amendment all the time. And by the way I am Christian but I believe in freedom of religion for all religions because if one goes the rest are not far behind and before you know it we will be forced to worship a huge orange racist blob.
Let's look at an event from 2016-2017 to see just how BS the "heritage " argument used by the Alt-right is bogus. The Dakota access pipeline , was routed through land the Native Americans of The Standing Rock Reservation considered part of their heritage, did the Alt-Right care about their heritage? No, they were part of the group who thought it was great to use water cannons and tear gas to remove the protestors, the enjoyed seeing the protestors being hurt. So the Alt-Right can stuff their heritage argument, it is totally bogus. The heritage the Alt-right wants to protect is one of hate and racism.
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