If you throw a hissy fit because a NFL player sits during the National Anthem, and think Charlottesville Alt-right gathering was to protect heritage and statues, then you are part of the problem. Here is why.
Stop treating the National Anthem like it has been around since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, it wasn't written until 1814. The music is actually an old British Drinking song. The song wasn't adopted as the National Anthem until 1936. It is a symbol that I honor, but a person can choose not to and that is their right.
The pledge of Allegiance is another thing wasn't adopted until 1945 and "Under God" wasn't added until 1954. In truth the founding fathers would probably objected to an Pledge of Allegiance because it smacks to much of a monarchy or authoritarianism. If they would have written a pledge they would have made a few different choices and probably left out "Under God" because of their belief in Freedom of religion.
We have people who say we have to have "In God we Trust " on our money yet many of these same people put their Trust in Guns over God, shameful. I believe and support the second amendment but I will never put my trust in a gun when I have God. Even if I were armed and in a confrontation I would still put my trust in God to let me make the right decision, you cannot take back a bullet so listen to God first.
Statues, Statues of military leaders who took up arms against their own country are being worshipped by people who call themselves " patriots" yet they fly a flag that fought against The United States. Like Lincoln said, and he quoted Christ, "A house, divided against itself, cannot stand." And like Christ said," a man cannot serve two masters." Do you know how many countries allow flying of a flag of a vanquished enemy or defeated tyranny? America is about the only one. Even in Germany the Nazi flag is despised. How many Hitler, Goebbels, Goehring, Von Runestead, Rommel, or any other military leader from Nazi Germany are located in Public places in Germany? Zero why? Not because they think it erases the past but because they don't want to give Neo-Nazis a memorial, a shrine to worship at.
Do you think all these Statues in Southern States were put up after the Civil War? No, they were not. When were they put up? Try around the 1950s and 1960s during the Civil Rights era. Why? Because a bunch of White People in charge wanted to send a message that no matter what the rest of the country says, they would always hold onto their "Southern Traditions." Do you know what "Southern Tradition " they were talking about? It wasn't cooking, it wasn't church going, it wasn't anything like that, it was the belief they held that "White People" are superior to Black People, and "Blacks should know and stay in their place."
Now those monuments have become shrines, rallying points for not just people who want to hold onto heritage, but to the KKK, Nazis, Neo Confederates, and every other racist group. There is no place in America for such hate, and there shall be no monuments to those who fought to keep people as slaves, one of the most vile institutions in history.
Think I am UnAmerican after reading this? You are wrong. I love my country and I know what makes it great, not a flag, not words, not a song, but people, people of all races and religions that make this country great.
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